Instagram has taken the center stage when it comes to social media platforms. It has become one of the go-to Social Media Platforms especially for visual-based promotions. First set up as a photo-sharing platform to stories, IGTV and evolved to what it is today. It is also one of the easily connectable Social Media Platforms for brands and their followers.
“A Picture is worth a thousand words”
Statistics indicate that the Indian users of Instagram contribute 6.9% of the estimated one billion users around the world. That’s 69 million users to potentially target! It is also a perfect platform for brands to engage with the audience, not only through the routine advertising route but also through the language of social media users. Trending Formats, a term adopted by most Instagram users to describe a post or series of posts adopted by brands often with a quirk that helps them connect with their customers.
Here are 10 Instagram Trending Formats you should know
Instagram Trending format puts Instagram on the map! The post mimics Instagram’s native features and ‘buttons’ and connects with your brand or it’s features.

Here, the Format is presented as a request for permission pop-up on your mobile phones. With options like ‘Deny’ and ‘Allow’ much like a permissions authorization request in a device.

Truepytha as the name implies is based on the Pythagorean triangle/graph centered around three related qualities – especially of a brand. Two of these qualities help determine the third much like the Hypotenuse.

This post is set based on keyboard predictions, conveying how popular is part of the vocabulary the brand is.

This Instagram format is based on email notifications. The message is displayed much like an email notification from your Brand and displays the Subject of your mail.

#BecauseYouFollow / #SuggestionsForYou
Similar to the 5Steps Trending Formats – A brand mimics the suggestions feature of Instagram to convey a message or invoke a feeling of the brand.

This Instagram Trending format is centered on a prism and how the brand splits into 7 features or qualities of the brand much like a prism does to white light.

One of the cheekiest Instagram formats, It is based on situations where people come together for a myriad of reasons and people are indicated by the small icons used to denote a tagged person in Instagram
This Trending format is best used when your brand communication is in a set of threes. Stage one being Good, then Better and finally Best
An interaction heavy trending format, this instinctively piques the viewer’s interest to interact with the post for some immediate gratification – often giving them a compliment.

There are more interesting and intriguing formats out there, like #SeduceSomeoneInFourWords. #OnMyPlate, #EarthHour #SavingMode with new formats being created almost weekly. Have we missed your favorite Instagram Trending Format? Let us know!